Biblical integrity is to act righteously, to make righteous choices in all areas of a person’s life. Christians are to act righteously, even when no one is watching. Of course we know that God is always watching, so that statement is never true. Many of the Psalms, including Psalm 26 speaks of walking in integrity. David claims, twice, in Psalm 26 that he is walking in integrity. He is so sure that he is, he tells God that he can be proven and tested. In other words, David wants God to test his claims. This is a bold request to make, because God knows David’s struggles and weaknesses and God can bring any and all forces to bear to test David. Yet integrity is a theme in the Bible. God wants his people, Jews in the Old Testament and Christians in the New Testament, to have integrity. Today, people shun terms like integrity, character and righteousness. Instead they champion self-expression and they celebrate the most...