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Showing posts from January, 2019

Alameda County taxing churches

Alameda County is doubling down on controlling churches and gaining more property tax.  After the recent election, Alameda County had a new Assessor who claimed to be a property tax attorney, very experienced in fighting the county on property tax issues.  It seems that this new assessor seeks to increase the property tax revenue. Alameda County, including with the latest set of forms where churches claim they are doing nothing wrong, supplied a multi-line form.  On this form, the county wants to know everyone who has entered and used the facilities, apart from the owning church.  The county wants to know the name,, space used, square footage used, number of days in the year and what the activity was.  When this form arrived in mailboxes all over Alameda county, several pastors that knew my fight with the county contacted me to express their fear, anger and disgust at the county. What is at risk is the desire for churches to not pay property tax.  As ch...

Cornerstone Fellowship *Psalm 48* 11:27:18 Rev Michael L Wilson

Cornerstone Fellowship *Psalm 47* 1:20:19 Rev Michael L Wilson

Cornerstone Fellowship *Psalm 46* 1/13/19 Rev. Michael L. Wilson

Cornerstone Fellowship *Psalm 45* 1/6/19 Rev. Michael L. Wilson