Greetings, When I think of time management, the first thing I need to do is figure out what I am using my time for. There are two areas in this discussion. The first are things that every Christian needs to be doing to be obedient. The second are the additional tasks that I, as a full-time pastor must do to be obedient. This discussion came out of a comment that I heard once. I use tasks management software and a calendar to remind me of what needs to be done. A lay person once said to me, "It looks like you are a slave to the need to be a slave to Christ." It is true that I am a slave, a bond-servant, a servant and a worker for Christ. Yet, I can read the Bible cover-to-cover, and I have, and it will only give general attitudes and very few specific things to do. The task, then is to look at our modern culture, 2,000 years after the New Testament was written, and form application, based on the principles of Christ's...