To be vindicated means to be proven right. People can be vindicated from wrongful accusations or from denial of rights. Everyone wants to be right and correct in what they believe and what they do. For those who knowingly do wrong, they want to avoid getting caught. For the Christian, it became a dangerous and delicate move to stand for our own rights or to prove ourselves right, even when we are standing for the absolute truth of Scripture. This is because in modern society, if I prove myself right against some accusation, then I am also proving the accuser wrong. Proving people, ideas political positions, ethic groups, sexual orientation right or wrong is what today’s most political climate is all about. The result, as both sides claim, is dividing, not uniting. If believers in Christ are divided over political rightness, then the kingdom of God suffers and Christ is not glorified. If, however, people who follow Christ can stop seeking...