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My mother's miracle in the operating room

For the last year or so, doctors have been telling me that my 84 year old mother has a huge kidney stone and that she will require surgery to break up the stone and remove the pieces.  The original surgery was set for September, but my mother contracted some infections and those had to be taken care of before she could have the surgery.  So they rescheduled the event for November 7, 2018 and we were all ready to do that when it was discovered that she was on some medication that would make the surgery difficult, so they fixed that situation and rescheduled the surgery for November 14, 2018.  My mother was not allowed to eat anything or take any medication for that day, prior to the surgery.  We got to the hospital at 2pm on the 14th.  I was told that the surgery was at 3:30 and she needed to be prepped.  So we checked in and went up to the pre-op section of the hospital.  The nurses put my mother in a gown and a hat to keep her hair out of the operation.  All of this was accomplished by 3:00pm.  So we waited.

While we waited, my mother slept and I talked with one of the nurses named Natalie.  She is a Christian and she had read the paper about our church’s tax problems.  So we talked about church and the county and other things.

When it reached 4:30, I was getting hungry, and my mother, who must have been starving by this time, was sleeping.  I went down to the hospital cafeteria and had a hot dog.  When I got back up, nothing had changed.

At 5:45pm, the doctor arrived and stated that there was a problem with the previous patient and it was out of her control.  On thing that hospital people do very well is claim that nothing is their fault and it is all out of their control.  The doctor explained what they were going to do.  Various people began to show up to look at charts and finish preparing my mother.  At 6:30pm, she was wheeled into the operating room and I exited to the waiting room.

At 8:30 the doctor came out and told me that she started the operation, with the X-rays on display.  she looked and looked and looked for the kidney stone, but could not find it.  They then put blue dye in my mother’s IV and, under pressure, forces it through both kidneys.  Both kidneys operated at greater than 80%, which is healthy and normal.  There was no blockage and no damage to the kidney.  The doctor then said she removed the drainage tube.  Her conclusion was that my mother must have passed the huge, impassable kidney stone during the night.

This is what really happened.  When this all started, my church and several other people I know were praying for God to heal my mother.  Several had told me they were praying for God to dissolve the kidney stone.  So, no matter what the baffled doctor said, this is a miracle of healing.  God answered our prayers, dissolved, took, removed or broke up the kidney stone by his great power and might and we did not do anything.

So why didn’t God dissolve the stone back when they took the x-ray.  The best answer is that God loves to show his power and loves to show it to an audience.  So , dozens of people had been praying for months.  My mother was the last person in the operating room and so everyone there was focused on her.  When everyone’s prayers and everyone’s focus was on the kidney stone, God took it, miraculously and completely, and healed both her kidney’s back to full strength.  Praise God


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