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Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness

America is a great county, a great place and a great idea.  One reason it is great is our constitution.  There are three inalienable rights listed in the constitution.  Inalienable means that these rights cannot be taken away and they cannot be given away.  In other words, Americans are stuck with these three rights.  They are, for review purposes, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  The constitution actually says that these three rights are given by God, which means they predate America.  The constitution is only stating what actually is, it is not inventing or creating rights.  These rights, therefore, do not come from the government, at any level and they cannot be taken away by the government, at any level.  This is where government has failed.

For the most part, governments are pretty good about not depriving people of their lives.  Apart from the unborn, which is another blog, governments take great pains to ensure there is a valid reason, before they put someone to death.  

Liberty is another matter.  All governments in the United States believe their purpose is to curtail and reduce the liberty of individuals.  Every level of government has stated that people have too many liberties and they need to be stopped.  This attitude is evil to the core.  The government cannot judge my liberty and cannot do anything to reduce my liberty, yet that is all they do.  Calvin Coolidge notwithstanding, there has never been a government in the Untied States, at the federal, state, county or city level that has sought to increase people’s liberty and this is sad because these governments and these government employees are going against the constitution and standing against God.

Finally, the last right is the pursuit of happiness.  This has also come under attack by governments at all levels.  I say this because governments have made it their business to define happiness and to choose whose happiness takes priority.  Therefore if a baker in Colorado pursues his happiness by not baking cakes for LGBT-WTF people, the government comes down and declares his happiness as an illegal happiness.  They also declare his liberty as an illegal liberty.

My conclusion, therefore, is that all governments at all levels in America are evil and wrong because they violate the basic, God-given rights detailed in the constitution.  Any cursory study of history would show that Americans at all levels have much less liberty today than Americans did 100 years ago or even 25 years ago.  It was possible to go through your day, 50 years ago, and rarely, if ever, bump into the government.  April 15 was the reckoning day when everyone bumped into the government, but that was about it.    Today, I bump into the government daily, whether it is the county trying to shut down my church (and my happiness) or the various signs telling me what I cannot do.  Evidence of government curtailing my liberty is everywhere and that is wrong, that is evil.  One constitutional lawyer said that the government confiscates our rights and sells them back to us.  This is pure evil.


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