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Random pictures on the internet - BEWARE

I meet with the Assosor’s Office of Alameda County tomorrow (September 6, 2018).  I will defend Cornerstone Fellowship against the force of government.  When the San Leandro Times reporter called the county, they talked to a Brian Hitomi.  Mr. Hitomi said that I was renting rooms in a commercial way.  People may wonder what evidence or proof the county has for this accusation.  All the county has are some pictures that were posted online.  People said that the event was held at my church and put my phone number for others who might want to hold their event at my church.  My name was not on the pictures.  There was no date on the pictures.  I do not own the pictures.  In a court of law, these pictures would never be allowed as evidence because their origin cannot be determined.  

Yet some bored county employees just started googling things and they found some random pictures and that allowed them to accuse me of renting rooms (not one room, but plural rooms) in a commercial way, whatever that means.  Any for-profit business that relied on random people posting random pictures on the Internet, is a business that will fail quickly.  

God will win, God always wins.  The county is insignificant in the hands of God.  May God show his power tomorrow as I defend myself against random pictures on the Internet.

On the other hand, let me warn one is safe.  Google posts every picture it can find on the Internet.  If some law enforcement agent was randomly googling things and came across a picture that looked like someone committing a crime, and then if those law enforcement agents broke down someone's door and arrested them because of one random picture, those cops would be laughed out of the court room.  Yet nameless, faceless, unelected bureaucrats can do the same thing and they are praised for it and given bonuses.  God help America.


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