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Comments on Truth for May 9, 2017

My personal website is at Antiduplicity is a word I made up years ago. It means “standing against duplicity.” When someone is duplicitous, they are two faced. They say different things to different people. At their core, duplicitous people lie. Lying is convenient for them. Truth has not value. Today, in America especially, but also in the entire world, truth has no value. People will say whatever they want to get whatever they want.

Today in America, there is a phenomenon called fake news. Fake News became popular during the 2016 election with emails being hacked and leaked and recordings of people you could barely hear. On social media sights like Twitter and Facebook people would post “news” stories stating that President Trump was having an affair or holding sex slaves and other stories that would explain that Hillary Clinton was running a sex trafficking ring out of a pizza parlor in New York. These stories were made-up by various groups to discredit one candidate or the other.

Now, it seems that everything is called fake news. President Trump has publicly called CNN a fake news organization. In public, it seems truth has no place, no value and no reputation anymore.

As a pastor, my business is truth. I deal in truth, research truth, investigate truth, try and prove some truths and believe in truth. This is because the core of my life is Jesus Christ and I know about Jesus Christ from God’s inerrant, perfect and true Word…the Bible.

The Bible is true and it contains the truth about the world, our problem, Christ our savior and God who is sovereign over all. If someone wants truth, they will not find it on Twitter or Facebook or TV News. They need to go to the Bible.

When I say that my business is truth, I am saying that, as a pastor, my preaching and teaching is true because it is from the Bible. I do not preach from TV News, Twitter or Facebook, except as an illustration of something that is not true. I exegete the Bible, which means I draw meaning out of it and I exposit the Bible which means I explain it. Currently I am preaching through the Gospel of John, verse by verse, truth by truth.

Another aspect of the Word of God being absolutely true is that it always is. I am saying the same thing that John Owen or George Whitfield or Augustin said when they taught and preached. I use modern English and a modern translation of the Bible and hopefully I use up to date illustrations to explain, but it is the same Word of God, the same truth for all eternity. The truth that someone thinks up and puts on Facebook will be forgotten next week. The Word of God will be true for every and ever.

So Antiduplicity is all about calling the world a liar, calling opinion a liar and calling everything that is not in and of the Bible false. I stand against the lies of the world that everyone calls true and I stand on the Word of God. Scripture alone.


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