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Let's all hate everyone and get it over with.

This is my response to President Trump's Press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, being asked to leave a quaint little restaurant 200 miles from D.C.

Every time I look at the news, there is another story of someone hating someone else.  People are kicked out of restaurants because of the hats and T-shorts they wear, schools are cleared when someone carries an American flag into class.  The primary motivation for public discourse these days is hate.

People would rather lose everything and be politically right than to try and get along.  As long as people stand holding the banner of hate, they think they will win and the world will turn into a utopia.  Many godly people have tried to create a utopia in towns across the globe.  John Calvin felt that with the reformation behind him, he could make Geneva a town based on the gospel of Jesus Christ and his law.  That plan did not last long at all.  Perhaps Calvin missed the point that God himself gave the Jewish people the blueprint for utopia and they couldn’t even keep it for more than 1 generation.

So why do people who hate other people think that this hate will produce a calm, peaceful utopia?  Of course, what they really think is that all those who are different than them will be sent to jail or killed so that only the right thinking people will be left, then the hate will subside.  Throughout the last 200 years, people have tried to promote “right-thinking” and wanted to only elect right-thinking people.  Of course right-thinking is defined as their way of thinking.

God’s answer to this dilemma is very simple.  Since America is not the only country that is divided by hateful politics.  Some countries still have dictators and if you do not clap loud enough or cheer long enough you go to prison, as a political prisoner.  Most countries of the world still put people in jail for political crimes, like not voting for the right people.  Thankfully, we have no political prisons in America.  We have no Gulags.

So what is God doing?  With the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God is creating a kingdom.  God’s Kingdom is not of this world, and subjects in God’s Kingdom can exist in any political system in any country in the world.  God’s Kingdom does not have walls or guards or a standing army.  People become residences of God’s Kingdom through grace by faith in Jesus Christ.  God’s Kingdom does not care where you are from, what political party you belong to or where you live.  Income leave is meaningless in God’s Kingdom.  The great part of God’s Kingdom is that it is eternal.  As all these political parties and countries fall apart, God’s Kingdom will remain, until it is the only Kingdom left in the world.  


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