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Thoughts on this Upside down World

Recently I have been hearing many people speaking about why the world is so messed up, especially in California.  They believe that when beings are born, they are perfect, good, righteous, sinless, wholesome and equipped to live in a utopia.  I called the “things” that come out of the womb “beings” because now, even gender and sex and neutral.  Thirty seconds before birth, this “thing” is not even a person or human.  Not until this being comes all the way out and the parents decide they want it, will it be called “human.”  

So, why is there crime and sin and disobedience in the world if everyone who is born is born perfect?  Society teaches these young people to hate, to be racist, to commit crimes, to hurt and to steal.  The institutional racism, the systematic lying and cheating teach these young people this evil is the right way to go.  Therefore, the progressives say, tear down all the institutions and start over.  Destroy and deconstruct everything and start over, then we will have a utopia.

There is a problem with this view.  The problem is, this worldview is not true and not supported by the facts.  It is a lie.  A casual look at reality, through the eyes of history, would show that babies, when they take their first breath, are totally depraved.  Everyone is born in sin.  Everyone is born hating God and people.  Everyone is born selfish, self-centered and into a world of selfish, hating people.  

This has been known for thousands of years and people have built institutions to contain and ameliorate the sin nature.  Police exist because people are natually criminals.  We lock doors and cars and buildings because people are naturally theives and trespassors.  

If we go back 2,000 years to the start of Christianity, Churches were built to teach people that the natural way is wrong and that through Christ, people can become righteous and holy and good.  Only through Christianity and the power of the Holy Spirit can people rise above their sin nature and actually do good, love people and help instead of hurting.  Yet the progressives say that Christians churches are at the core of the problem, because they teach intolerance and hate.  In a sense this is true.  Christians do not tolerate sin because sin is evil and hurts people.  Chrsitians also hate, but we hate evil and sin.  Christians do not hate people and are not racist.

Until people realize that Churches posses the answer to societies problems and that if cities and states would only listen to them, they would gain a proper worldview and could create policies that actually work.  Christ came to save people from themselves and from the pits of hell.  Christ is the answer, not upside down theology that elevates people as the highest authority in the universe. People need forgiveness, not freedom to sin.  


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