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Thoughts on God - being really big

Psalm 3 shows a classic progression of Christian thought.  Psalm 3 is a four stanza poem.  It was written as David fled from his son Absalom.

In the first stanza, David describes the problem.  There are too many foes and people are saying that God cannot help.

In the second stanza, David accurately describes God.  God is a shield that encompasses David.  God is David’s glory.  David has no glory for himself.  God will lift David’s head, back to the throne and back to a place where David can see the mighty works of God.  David then cries out loud to the listening God

In the third stanza, David rests.  With the peace of God in the midst of trouble, David can sleep and wake knowing that God sustains him.  David declares that he will not fear the thousands that are coming against him.

In the final stanza David makes his request of God to arise and strike his enemies.  David has moved from a place of overwhelming defeat to a place of absolute confidence in God to win.

God still wins today.  All over the world Christians are under overwhelming opposition.  In America, Christians and churches are being challenged in court or just taxed out of existence.  What we need to remember is this simple truth:  God is bigger than any enemy, any foe and any government.  Satan is very good at convincing us to keep our eyes on the enemy.  The longer we look at the enemy the bigger they seem.  The more we let the enemy fill our vision the smaller and more far away God looks.

But God will lift us up, lift our gaze to look at him and when we do, we realize that he is bigger than anything satan throws at us.  God is bigger than financial problems, health problem, housing problems, family problems and any other long list of problems we can put between us and God.  God is bigger than anything on this earth and he will place a shield around you, be your glory and lift your head, if you will only let him.

God has called believers to be light in a dark world, salt in a stale and tasteless world and to be beacons of truth, beacons of the one, true living God in every situation.

To deny that God is able to arise and break all that stand against us it to deny the truth of Scripture.  God is great, he is really, really big and he is mighty to save (Isaiah 63:1).  God is able to do all that he has promised and so much more.  Get your eyes off the garbage of this world and onto the living God and experience life everlasting.


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