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Government is not God, My Thoughts

The progressive, socialist, communist, left are as religious as the religious right, even more so.  I say this because during hurricane Harvey was dumping massive amounts of rain on Houston, people were being evacuated by thousands of volunteers.  The various news shows interviewed some of those rescued.  Many said that the government did not warn them sufficiently and that if the government had told them to evacuate, they would have.  Considering all the massive amount of information that is at the fingertips of everyone in Houston, they could have turned on their local news on TV and seen the recommendations.  They could have made a discussion for themselves.

That is the crux here.  For the most part, we Americans have lost the ability to make decisions on our own.  I am not sure if it is fear of consequences or lack of training or maybe we have just gotten used to letting someone else tell us what to do.  At its core, giving someone/something that much authority over someone’s life is religious.  The government gives certain rules which we need to live by, specifically paying our taxes, and in return the government blesses us with good food, clean water and instructions on how to live.  These instructions can come in the form of signs at our local park with 15 rules of things we cannot do.  Or these rules may come in the form of thousands of regulations that we can never know, but regulations that we will be expected to follow and pay the various fines if we transgress.

Over and above it all, people have come to expect the government to solve all our problems.  I recently heard a discussion about drones, and their conclusion was that we have to wait until the government regulates drones before we know what we can do with them.  That made my skin crawl.  For anyone to hope for, to wish for, to ask for the government to regulate their lives seems insane.  People today want to destroy statues and flags from our time of slavery in this country, yet they want more links in the chains of regulations because the government is all knowing, all wise and all powerful.  However, there is nothing the government has ever done that  private enterprise and markets could not do 1000% better.  Governments consist of sinful, inept, incompetent, evil, and debauched people.  Why should we expect that group to do righteous and good things?  Yet people still worship at the altar of government begging that it save them.

Of course I am against this because there is only one God.  The one God who is there and who is not silent has created everything and he is sovereign over it.  God will do what he pleases and no one can thwart or change God’s will.  The Bible is clear that God and God alone sets up and tears down governments as he will.  The chain of world governments from the beginning to the present have been ordained by God and are created for his glory alone.  Worshipping the government is blasphemy.


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