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Thoughts on Diversity

America is the most diverse, inclusive, anti-racist nation that has ever existed in the history of the world.  Anybody can come and do anything and be anything (for the most part).  Back in the day, America was called the great melting-pot.  On our money it states e pluribus unum which means, “out of many, one.”  We are so inclusive that there are federal laws against discriminating on the basis of skin color, country of origin, religion, marital status, health, disability and now gender in all its flavors.  If there is one word that describes America, it is inclusive.

Are there evil individuals who have racist tendencies and thoughts?  Of course.  Evil exists in all its forms in every country on earth.  Some of these evil people become policemen, firemen, politicians, pastors and teachers.  It does not mean that the entire police force is racist everywhere because there is one racist cop in Mississippi.  No police force has racist policies.  It would be a felony.

So, with all our inclusion, diversity and anti-racism, why are there groups that use calls of racism everywhere they go, when no racism exists.  Hillary Clinton, during her 2016 campaign ran on a platform against the “systematic racism” that was in our country.  I was amazed when she said that over and over because the truth is, there is codified penalties against racism at every level of government.  There are no racist systems in America.  There may be racist people, but there are also thieves and murderers and liars.  That does not mean there are murdering systems and lying systems and thieving systems in America.  We have to get away from the false calls that this person or that policy is racist, when it is just not true and has not been true for generations.

Pretend that there is a small hamburger joint in town.  The owner and cook is a racist.  He hates green people.  So if he puts a big sign in his window saying that he will not serve green people, the police will show up and cite him, because that is a crime.  No business owner can make a policy that a certain color or language or region is excluded.  So lets believe that he does not put up a sign, he just cooks sub-standard hamburgers when green people come in.  Word of mouth will prevent all green people from going there, and all the friends of green people will not go there and eventually he will go out of business.  Things will just take care of themselves.  The government does not have to get involved.

So people need to stop shouting “racism” every time something happens they do not like.  There is no racist policy, anywhere.  And if there is a racist person somewhere, it will take care of itself.  They will be ostracized.  We don’t need to march and fight and kill people.  Out of many one.  Stop dividing and labelling and stop identity politics.  Finally, a statue of General Robert E. Lee is not racist, it is history.


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