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My Thoughts on Church and Me

Church has always been obvious to me.  I was born on a Thursday and on that Sunday I was carried into First Baptist Church and placed in the Nursery.  In anticipation of my birth I was enrolled in “Cradle Roll” six months before I took my first breath.  I was listed as “Baby Wilson.”

From that moment, I was taken to church twice on Sunday and at least once during the week for program.  When our family moved to the East Bay, because of my Dad’s work, our family started attending San Lorenzo Baptist Church.  I was 1.5 years old and I went to that church every time the doors were open until I left to go to college and then the military.

Raised in church made church a habit for me.  Every where I went I found a church on Sunday.  When I was in the military, I attended the chapel on base while in training and eventually a church off base when I reached my duty station.

Being raised in church, I was taught all the stories of the Bible.  Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Egypt and the Exodus, Samson, Gideon, the various kings (mostly Saul, David, Solomon and Ahab), the Babylonian captivity with Daniel, Shadrach Meshach and Abednego along with Nebuchadnezzar and of course Jesus and his disciples.  These were taught using flannel graph and picture books and Bible story after Bible story after Bible story.

Church was where I found my friends, my values, my identity and my relationship with God.  Adults in church gave me an example of how to live and what to do.  Being taught by the various adults in church through the years gave me a window into their beliefs and their lives.  Many were very willing to speak into my life as a young person and I am grateful for that.

I have always believed that church is where saved people hang out, serve, minister and worship.  Recently the church experience has been turned into an adjective.  People today are either “churched” or “unchurched.”  I have been able to find the full definition of “churched.”  Most people seem to think it means knowing what people do on Sunday morning.  However all the Bible stories I learned are my stories.  Going to church was more than an experience, it was an education in my family tree.

I praise God that I was raised in church.  That education, lifestyle experience and simply growing up with the knowledge of God and his story was invaluable.  I thank God for San Lorenzo Baptist Church, which is the church he called me to pastor.  Now it is my job to impart the stories and the knowledge of God and God's story to the people.  From generation to generation, the story of God and is movement through history is passed down.  I thank God for church.


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