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Thoughts on the Flexibility of Evil

Remember that the progressive left in America believe in the basic goodness of people, if people will only be given a chance, they will be good.  This idea is pervasive in schools and colleges and the Federal government.  Back in 2014, the White House wanted to see what could be done to stop the school to prison pipeline that was so common in eastern states.  Children would get in trouble in the 6th or 7th grade and this would start a cycle that would end up in them being in prison as adults.

After millions were spent by the government to come up with a plan, they settled on the plan to give children counseling instead of detention.  This would be for non-violent crimes.  Assault was included in non-violent crimes.  The test case for this new program was Broward County, Florida, the exact same place the recent school shooting occurred.  This program would be paid for by the Federal government, which means tax dollars.  When a person 18 years old or younger was caught in a crime up to and including assault, they would be sent to a counselor who would counsel them.  There was no police record, no incarceration or house arrest and no record of the event that led up to the counseling.

At the time of the school shooting, property crime, car jackings and assaults by young people were at an all time high in Broward county.  There were more violent crimes per capita than any other place in the eastern United States.  However, whenever Federal inspectors visited the county to see how things were going, there were no records of any crimes and no young people were in jail.  There was, however, a long line for counselors.  it has also been discovered that most people never went to their counseling sessions.  So the Federal Government continued to pour millions of dollars into Broward county.  Evil, in Broward county, grew to the level allowed by law enforcement and the government.

In California, a couple of years ago, we passed propositions which released people from prison and which turned thousands of felonies into misdemeanors.  Property crime had to be above $900 per item for a person to get more than a traffic ticket.  The result is that there is 1,500 car break-ins in San Francisco county every month.  The police do not even respond to property crimes, because it is not worth it to write a ticket.  The criminals are always aware of the cost of the damage they are causing.  Three brothers were arrested earlier this year after committing 30,000 car break-ins.  Because of the volume of vehicles, they were charged with felonies.

I have talked to many people who used to be in gangs and are now repentant Christians.  They tell me that every gang member knows what counts as a strike and what does not, and every gang member knows how many strikes they have.  California has a universal three strikes law, which means life imprisonment after three strikes.

Evil will always grow to the limits set by the law.  If the law is weakened, evil increases.  If the law is strengthened, evil decreases or moves.  This is one reason God created governments.  Any time evil is allowed to flourish, it will.  People, all people, are basically evil at their core.  True believing Christians are repentant, forgiven evil people.


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