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Thoughts on Expectations (of God)

The Bible is full of promises and statements concerning God’s blessings, his desires for his people and his promises.  From a very young age I was told that we can trust the promises of God, that God always keeps his promises and when everyone else disappoints, God will always come through.  This was all well and good for a person growing up in church and in the Christian Faith.  When I got older, however, and begin to find people who have left church, it became apparent that there is a disconnect between God’s promises and people’s expectations of what God is supposed to do.

When speaking of the Psalms, Psalm 1 is a classic example of a promise of God.  It says in verse 3:

        He is like a tree
planted by streams of water
that yields its fruit in its season,
and its leaf does not wither.
In all that he does, he prospers.

People will focus on the last part where it says, “In all he does, he prospers.”  I have had people explain to be that this is a psalm about how rich and successful Christians are supposed to be.  When a child gets sick or a job goes away, people believe that God is punishing them for their sin, or that God is too weak to bless or that God does not exist.  Psalm 1:3 and dozens of other passages are used to show that the Bible states God will bless and when he does not, the Bible becomes a liar and so does God.

I have preached through Psalm 1 and this Psalm explains conditional blessings.  If a person does not sin or hang out with people who will encourage them to sin, and if this person loves the Bible, all of it, and meditates on the Bible all the time, then the stability and success occurs, on God's terms.  Most people who blame God for their problems do not fulfill any of the requirements of righteous living.

So, what can we legally expect from God?  First we expect God to come through on the salvation offer.  This is an offer based on grace (we cannot earn it) and unconditional (we cannot lose it).  All the inclusions that came with that salvation are true and can be counted on.  Sins are forgiven, totally and completely.  Our sins are fully covered and atoned for by the blood of Christ.  Adoption is complete and eternal.  Redemption out of the kingdom of death and darkness is complete, fully paid for and irreversible.  A place is being befit for each of us, in heaven, right now.

As for blessings in this life, Jesus said that he would never leave us or forsake us.  The Holy Spirit was delivered to you upon the moment of salvation, to continue the work of Christ in every Christian.  Christians are now alive in Christ able to pray and read the Bible with understanding and purpose.

As for things attached to this world, like health and wealth and a long life here, these may happen or not.  A person’s health is not a measure of God’s love, in the way we think.  It is a measure of God’s love for humanity and for his Son.  God's goal is our sanctification, not our comfort.  God will glorify himself in everything over and above our pleasure.

Every Spiritual blessing is ours in Christ.  This are promised, delivered and eternal.   Expecting God to make our sinful lives more successful is a vain hope.  Look at Christ on the cross and tell me that God does not love you.


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