Yesterday the Congress of the United States of America called the leadership of Twitter, a publicly held, private company, into a closed door session. They asked Twitter, according to leaks, what they were doing to root out “fake” twitter accounts. This comes from the news report that Russian actors used Twitter to a much greater effect than Facebook during the 2016 election.
The first thing the American people need to understand is that most people in Congress cannot even spell Twitter. As for knowing what it is and how it operates, they are clueless. This is one reason the Deep State was caught with their pants down when President Trump started using Twitter to communicate with the American people.
The second thing is that Twitter is the medium. If someone goes to a rally and says that they want to blow up the White House, the government does not regulate microphones or speakers, they should have arrested Madonna. The person committing the crime is responsible, not the medium. Twitter is a medium. Facebook is a medium. Books are a medium. TV is a medium. There has been a discussion of years whether media like Twitter should be considered a “safe harbor” or a “public utility” or something else. The idea of a safe harbor is that a web hosting service, like Go Daddy is not responsible for the content of all the websites they host. The are immune to prosecution because they are a safe harbor. They are a just a place, a medium. Twitter, like the web, like Facebook needs to be a safe harbor. Mediums cannot become the police for their users. This is impossible.
The third thing. Hashtags are not part of Twitter. There is nothing in Twitter to support hashtags. Hashtags are just part of the 140 (or soon to be 280) characters in the post. Third parties found out the text in Twitter posts could be searched, so they started searching for #hashtags. Therefore, Twitter is not responsible for hashtags. As an aside, to start a hashtag, just enter some text after the # sign in a tweet and a hashtag is created.
The fourth thing. Twitter has never made any money. They started as a free way to communicate around the world. They did not start with the idea of making money, they started with the idea of being useful, which they are. Anyone can create multiple Twitter accounts for free. I currently have 7 Twitter accounts. They have tried ads and selling tokens and nothing has worked to monetize Twitter. Twitter is a publicly held private company and the Government should not be calling them before Congress to accuse them of anything. Twitter has not done anything illegal.
What is the fix? An educated population. For decades and decades the progressive left has worked to dumb down the American voter. The Government people lie and cheat and steal and they expect Americans to cheer them on. So when something like this happens, where America needs an educated people, we are caught unprepared.
Government things if they make a law, a regulation or a rule, everything will be great. They make the rules and force other people to do the work. Congress needs to start getting involved in social media. Give Americans government a voice on social media. Demanding that Twitter fix all of their corruption and mistakes is stupid. #replacecongress.
@PastorMichael (my main twitter handle)
The first thing the American people need to understand is that most people in Congress cannot even spell Twitter. As for knowing what it is and how it operates, they are clueless. This is one reason the Deep State was caught with their pants down when President Trump started using Twitter to communicate with the American people.

The third thing. Hashtags are not part of Twitter. There is nothing in Twitter to support hashtags. Hashtags are just part of the 140 (or soon to be 280) characters in the post. Third parties found out the text in Twitter posts could be searched, so they started searching for #hashtags. Therefore, Twitter is not responsible for hashtags. As an aside, to start a hashtag, just enter some text after the # sign in a tweet and a hashtag is created.
The fourth thing. Twitter has never made any money. They started as a free way to communicate around the world. They did not start with the idea of making money, they started with the idea of being useful, which they are. Anyone can create multiple Twitter accounts for free. I currently have 7 Twitter accounts. They have tried ads and selling tokens and nothing has worked to monetize Twitter. Twitter is a publicly held private company and the Government should not be calling them before Congress to accuse them of anything. Twitter has not done anything illegal.
What is the fix? An educated population. For decades and decades the progressive left has worked to dumb down the American voter. The Government people lie and cheat and steal and they expect Americans to cheer them on. So when something like this happens, where America needs an educated people, we are caught unprepared.
Government things if they make a law, a regulation or a rule, everything will be great. They make the rules and force other people to do the work. Congress needs to start getting involved in social media. Give Americans government a voice on social media. Demanding that Twitter fix all of their corruption and mistakes is stupid. #replacecongress.
@PastorMichael (my main twitter handle)
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