Recently I heard a sociologist on one of the TV news programs talk about why young people join groups like ISIS and ANTIFA. These violent groups that have no real ideology except to beat down opposition are very attractive to some people. The sociologist concluded that these groups, and others, offer Identity, Community and Purpose. Every successful group, country or organization has found a way to fulfill these three needs in people’s life.
First I will look at identity. Identity answers the question, “who am I?” The deepest, most honest question that anyone can ask is this. There is a degree of identity in every citizen of a country. From a very young age, I could identify as an American. I learned American history in school, memorized the pledge to the flag and the first verse of the Star Spangled Banner. When I joined the military, it was drilled into me that my identity was American first and a Airman second. I served America, they said, by being a good and dedicated Airman.
Sadly, the progressive left has all but destroyed the American identity. "America is bad and evil" is all we hear from the progressive left. To identify with America is to identify with white supremacy and slavery, they say. Add to this the non-assimilating immigrants who want to replace American culture with theirs. Identity is now difficult to find in being simply “an American.” Therefore when various “thug” groups offer an answer to “who am I?” Young people listen. People have to have an identity. If America no longer offers it, someone else will.
As a Christian, I believe with all my heart that Christ offers the truest identity. For a person to be born again into the family of God, there is no greater identity, no truer identity and no more eternal identity. Every day of my life since believing in Christ, I know exactly who I am. My identity is not my own invention either. God himself tells me who I am, which means it is accurate, true and will last.
This explains why the best defense against people being enticed to join ISIS is the gospel of Jesus Christ. Since lack of identity is the problem, all people need to do is give the people of America an honest picture of their identity before God. Of course that is not allowed, since the progressive left refuses to accept any identity that is religious based. The progressive, religious left provides no identity, they just destroy any and all existing identities.
Therefore, what we need to do is promote America as the greatest country on the face of the earth. Tell people it is acceptable to be proud of being an American. Promote Western Culture as the greatest culture on the face of the earth. Be proud of this culture and jealously guard it against all others. And preach Christ. Only by being a true believer in Jesus Christ and his cross can anyone have a true sense of identity. An identity that God defines and that God defends for all eternity.

Sadly, the progressive left has all but destroyed the American identity. "America is bad and evil" is all we hear from the progressive left. To identify with America is to identify with white supremacy and slavery, they say. Add to this the non-assimilating immigrants who want to replace American culture with theirs. Identity is now difficult to find in being simply “an American.” Therefore when various “thug” groups offer an answer to “who am I?” Young people listen. People have to have an identity. If America no longer offers it, someone else will.
As a Christian, I believe with all my heart that Christ offers the truest identity. For a person to be born again into the family of God, there is no greater identity, no truer identity and no more eternal identity. Every day of my life since believing in Christ, I know exactly who I am. My identity is not my own invention either. God himself tells me who I am, which means it is accurate, true and will last.
This explains why the best defense against people being enticed to join ISIS is the gospel of Jesus Christ. Since lack of identity is the problem, all people need to do is give the people of America an honest picture of their identity before God. Of course that is not allowed, since the progressive left refuses to accept any identity that is religious based. The progressive, religious left provides no identity, they just destroy any and all existing identities.
Therefore, what we need to do is promote America as the greatest country on the face of the earth. Tell people it is acceptable to be proud of being an American. Promote Western Culture as the greatest culture on the face of the earth. Be proud of this culture and jealously guard it against all others. And preach Christ. Only by being a true believer in Jesus Christ and his cross can anyone have a true sense of identity. An identity that God defines and that God defends for all eternity.
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