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Thoughts on Tedium

Life is full of tedious tasks and mundane routines. That is a fact of life. From the earliest recorded history people had to clean things, mend clothes, sharpen swords and maintain stuff. It seems like most of our time these days are filled with tedium. So it must be asked: is that a bad thing?

If your life is routine an tedious someone can understand why boredom would set in. After all if the tasks are the same, day after day, week after week and so on, where is the excitement in that?  People want new and novel and exciting. Perhaps this is why people used to line up for the latest phone, only to be bored with it three week later. But is this a bad thing or just the state of humanity?

I propose that boredom is a sin.  Some may say that it is a fleeting feeling and feelings are not evil.  In that case, boredom is a temptation. If a person grabs a hold of it and focuses on the boredom then it becomes a sin. Boredom is a sin because of who God is and what he has done for people. For a Christian the daily grind with God by your side and the Holy Spirit indwelling must take on a new sense. In other words, the grind is no longer a grind, it is daily service for your king.

God is unfathomable. For a Christian to claim boredom is to say that God and his plans for you are mundane, tedious and boring. This is because people who are bored want something from the world to entertain them. A new movie, some music, some friends. Sinful boredom can simply be a way avoid doing the duties and responsibilities of life.

For example, I do the dishes every day. It is a tedious, mundane, boring task, but it must be done. I take out the trash every week and perform several other chores that must be done for the proper operation of my house. If no one did the dishes or took out the trash, eventually the house would become unlivable. Therefore these chores are necessary even though they are tedious.

1 Corinthians 10:31 simply says, "So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."  So do dishes to the glory of God and take out trash to the glory of God?  Absolutely!  There are many ways to do this. One way is to praise God that you are prosperous enough to generate trash and have enough money to pay for someone to pick it up and take it away.

We all have things we must do, our duties, responsibilities and our chores. Praise God that you have the ability, either mental or physical or both, to complete these tasks.  Don't throw thoughts out boredom or statements like, "this ought not be like this" back at the gracious God who saved you and loves more than you can know.

P.S. Writing 500 words a day is tedious, but I believe that it helps me, causes me to grow and is a good thing, so I do it.


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