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Thoughts on “people in the news”

There are two types of people in the world.  Those who are saved and being saved and those who are lost.  Those who are lost are living in rebellion to the righteous and holy God who created them.  They hold themselves as their own god and do what is right in their own eyes.  They are futile in their thinking.  This means that they do not think straight.  When we see someone shoot up a Las Vegas concert and wonder why or what motivated him, we have to understand that his thinking was futile.  This does not mean that he was mentally ill in the classic sense, but just evil and totally depraved in the moral and spiritual sense.

Every day new people are brought forward and being accused of sexual immorality.  They are accused by people who sleep around, watch porn and lust.  The perpetrators and the accusers are futile in their thinking.  They are coming at life with futile thinking.  Most cannot tell the difference between righteousness and evil.  Most only fear one thing:  getting caught.  The judgment is either going to some sort of fake rehab or resigning from a position or being fired.  This is because the accusers and employers must virtue signal.  They must tell the world that they are not perverted and that firing Charlie Rose is an act of virtue.   Of course this will not fix Charlie Rose.  He is still futile in his thinking and totally depraved in his morals.  He will still lust and behave in a sexually immoral way until the day he dies, unless he finds Christ.

When someone finds Christ, or it is better to say, when Christ finds someone, they are changed.  There is still sin and sinful inclinations because full holiness will not come until the end.  But there comes to the Christian the knowledge of the difference between right and wrong.  Eyes are now opened to what is righteousness and what its sin.  Christians are also enabled to do righteousness.  As I said, they will still sin, but Christians who are part of a church community will not be able to performs decades of public sexual immorality.

Therefore as the news anchors fall all over themselves trying to figure out a motivation based on party affiliation or President Trumps influence or something external, they will always fail.  This is because the same spirit that caused all these powerful people to dedicate their lives to sexual immorality and to hide it and cover it up, the same spirit is in everyone who rebells against Christ.  Most people who do not know Christ commit private sins and will sleep with prostitutes or their neighbor and most people do not have the public adoration that will be destroyed when their sin is exposed.  I used to work with a man who’s father had 26 children by 24 different women.  He came up from Mexico and worked his way north, impregnating women as he went.  So my co-worker had 25 step-siblings.  Last my co-worker heard, his father had been arrested.  He has never met his father.  This is a sinful and evil man that no one will ever know, who will never be on the news, but just as sexually immoral and just as evil as those in the news.
