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News of the Day

Today I hear four things being talked about here and there.  First a new iPhone is released today, November 3.  It is the full screen iPhone X.  Some people love it, others don’t see the point.  The price seems to be the main bone of contention at $1,000.

Additionally, there is much talk about tomorrow. November 4. ANTIFA promises to overthrow the government.  Primarily they are saying they are going to get rid of President Trump and Vice President Pence.  There are also others who are marching on Sacramento and other state capitals trying to overthrow those governments as well.  I have not seen any response from the government.  It does not look like they will be calling out the FBI or the national guard.  My guess is that Washington DC fears nobody, especially a tiny little gang of thugs from Berkeley.

Third, a prophecy group back east is speaking about this weekend.  They first said Jesus would return on September 23, 2017, but missed that date.  Now they are saying that the first seal of the seven seals in Revelation will be opened November 5, 2017.  A cursory reading shows that at a minimum there will be a large earthquake.  We’ll see.

Lastly, Donna Brasile wrote a book saying that the DNC was hijacked by the Clinton campaign during the 2016 election.  This is prompting many to say that the election, as far as the democrats are concerned, was rigged.  No laws were broken because the DNC is a private organization and they can run their elections anyway they want.  It is just interesting to see President Trump stating that the FBI needs to look into it.  All the while, Hillary Clinton is still on her book tour and making news that way.

So, no matter what anyone is interested in, there is something in the news.  Tech is all excited about the new Apple phone, while preppers are all excited about the ANTIFA uprising because it gives them a chance to be right and to test out there preparation.  There is also talk about an EMP pulse test being set off which might add some interest.  My guess with ANTIFA is that it is much ado about nothing.  They have no will to do anything, just free time and some guns and torches.

With regard to the prophecy, I doubt it.  the Bible gives no way to calculate anything with regard to end times.  Christians are simply told to be ready, so that when it happens, they will not be caught unaware.  The number one way people get ready is to get right with God.

If a person is right with God and following Jesus daily, then phones can come and go, gangs of thugs can rise up and fall down and false prophecy can be spoken and it is all meaningless.  God’s truth has never and will never change.  We read it, know it and rest in it no matter what the world or the DNC does.


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