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Thoughts on Distraction, Deflection, and blaming

In John 19:18-23 we have the story of Jesus telling Peter how he is going to die.  Jesus prophecies that Peter will die by crucifixion.  I know many people who have told me they wish someone would prophecy over their lives.  I think most of them would be disappointed if someone told them they would be tortured and killed for the cause of Christ.  Yet, that is what Jesus told Peter.

Peter’s instant response is to point to the apostle John and say, “What about him?”  Peter was doing what everyone does today, he was getting the attention off himself and onto another person.  We live in a culture where people say they are taking full responsibility.  Yet what they actually means is “stop looking at me, I am taking no responsibility.”  We live where people blame, distract, deflect and compare.

I had a brother growing up.  That was great because if I did something, I could blame him and not so great because if he did something he could blame me.  It took some time, but we learned to be each other’s alibi in sticky situations.  People today are always blaming others and trying to get attention off themselves.

A very recent example of blaming comes from the Sutherland Spring shooting.  That shooting was a horrific act by someone who was pure evil.  Of course the progressive left needs to blame someone or something so that the population can be controlled and such activities can be stopped before they start.  Immediately some blamed the NRA as they are want to do.  Eventually it came out that a bad conduct discharge from the Air Force was not forwarded to the FBI NICS database.  There are no laws that say a bad conduct discharge needs to be forwarded, yet the Air Force is blamed and in classic bureaucracy speak, the secretary of the Air Force said she would make sure every database is searched and that this will not happen again.  Yet, sinful people are running the Air Force, so it probably will happen again.

Blaming the Air Force gets people’s eyes off of evil.  If people were to accept that this person was pure evil, they would have to come to terms with what evil is.  That is not comfortable or easy to do, so they blame the military.  If people had to come to terms with the evil in the shooter, they might have to examine the evil in themselves.  

People need to own up, take true responsibility and stop telling everyone to “look over there.”  People need to stand up for who they are and they they believed in and what they have done.  This will create a transparent and more honest government, but that will never happen.

Of course Jesus Christ is the solution to evil.  A true believer in Jesus Christ has their nature changed and evil is not the sole goal, like it is in the unsaved.  The shooter and America need Jesus Christ, not laws, not blaming, not regulation.  Christ above all and Christ only.


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