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Thoughts on Games

Note:  This is not an attempt at virtue signaling or humble bragging or holier than thou thoughts.  Just my thoughts on games.  Take them for what they are.

I do not watch any sports.  I watch no football or basketball or baseball.  If I am somewhere and a game is on the TV, I have no problem walking past it.  I know people who are into everything sports has to offer, and I know people who watch a random game or two.  If I were to follow something, anything, I would need to know players and stats and everything and track the game.  If I followed basketball, I would have to do a bracket.  This is how I follow things.  I am all on or all out, so I choose to not follow any professional sports.  One exception:  when Olympic curling comes on, I will watch it, not because I follow it, but because it is a fascinating game.

Over three years ago for a New Years resolution, I chose to remove all the games from my computer and phone for one year.  At the end of the year, I could think of no good reason to put them back so I kept them off.  I have not played a computer or phone game in over 3 years.  Back when Pokemon Go was all the rage, someone said that my church was a gym, so I had to see what that meant, so I installed the game, saw what it meant and deleted the game.

I have an iPhone, and Apple will have ratings charts of apps that make the most money.  Usually games are most of the top ten most profitable apps.  SuperCell which makes Clash of Clans and the various off shoots, makes $2 million a day off that game.  This is because if a person wants to get ahead, they must put hundreds or thousands of dollars into the game.  Many games are this way.  They can be played for free, but to be very successful, real money has to be spent.  My money is more valuable to me than to put into a game.  So to play the more popular games would take money I am not willing to spend.  Of course there are solitaire type games that do not require the buying of gems and such.

Time is also a factor.  I have the same 24 hours in a day that everyone else has, and I have lots to do.  I teach a couple Bible studies, I preach on Sunday, I am on call to visit people in the hospital and more and more people want my time.  Like with professional sports, if I played a phone game, I would have to play it enough to get very good at it.  I would get competitive with others play or just myself.  It is difficult to play a game just for the enjoyment.

I do play games with real people.  Last time the extended family got together we played Settlers of Catan, which was fun, not because of the game, but because of the people.  I do not live near my existences family, so group games like that are saved for holidays when we all get together.


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