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First Baptist Sutherland Springs, Texas

I was going to blather on about the new iPhone or some Government program, but when I got home from church today, the news was all about a shooting at First Baptist church Sutherland Springs, in Sutherland Springs, Texas.  Up to 27 killed, the rest were shot and injured.  The congregation of 50 was removed from their church services by the corner or ambulances.  This is horrific, sad, an abomination and pure evil.  It is evil because it was an attack on the one place in this world where truth still exists.  Jesus Christ setup the organization known as the church as a gathering of believers who come together to pray, sing and preach the word.  The attack today was not just on innocent people, including children, but an attack on Jesus Christ himself since he is the head of the church and the church is his body.

The world hates Christians; the world hates Christ.  That is a plain and verifiable fact.  There is more violence against Christians than any other religious group.  Apart from indiscriminate killing that is part of warfare, most killing done by one group against another targets Christians.  This shooting today is expected, therefore, but still unbelievable and unacceptable.  Sutherland Springs Texas is a small town of 400.  First Baptist church has no national presence.  They are not on TV or the radio.  They are a simple church focused on the worship of Jesus Christ and the preaching of the word.  Yet a small church like First Baptist is a terrible threat to the kingdom of Satan and Satan will raise up all sorts of people to silence the people of God.

When we speak of evil, we are speaking of anything or anyone who works to tear down and destroy the kingdom of God.  God almighty is perfect in righteousness and perfectly holy.  Satan hates that and is doing everything he can to destroy God’s kingdom which means, in his twisted mind, hurting those that God loves.  This small church outside of San Antonio was and is loved by God.  It is the apple of God’s eye.  God is delighted with their works and their words, so Satan seeks to hurt God by hurting those whom God loves.  Law enforcement and politicians will search and search for a motive, but they will never understand and therefore never state that this is the latest casualty in Satan’s war against God.  These people, therefore are martyrs for the cause of Christ.  They will receive their white robes in heaven as they cry out, “how long, oh Lord.”

How must Christians respond to this?  We praise God that these people are saved and are with our Lord.  We pray for God to break down and end the kingdom of Satan.  We pray that God will use this horrific event to draw more people to himself.  We do not rely on governments or laws of men, we call on God almighty to vindicate himself and take vengeance on all who would stand against him.  The news talking heads are saying that churches need to have armed people in their buildings and that churches need to have more exists from the sanctuary.  Those are reasonable things to think about and plan for.  However, the only permanent fix is from God’s mighty hand.

Vindicate me, Lord, because I have lived with integrity and have trusted in the Lord without wavering.
Test me, Lord, and try me; examine my heart and mind.
For Your faithful love is before my eyes, and I live by Your truth.
I do not sit with the worthless or associate with hypocrites.
I hate a crowd of evildoers, and I do not sit with the wicked.
I wash my hands[a] in innocence and go around Your altar, Lord, raising my voice in thanksgiving and telling about Your wonderful works.
Lord, I love the house where You dwell, the place where Your glory resides.
Do not destroy me along with sinners, or my life along with men of bloodshed in whose hands are evil schemes and whose right hands are filled with bribes.
But I live with integrity; redeem me and be gracious to me.
My foot stands on level ground; I will praise the Lord in the assemblies.
Psalm 26


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