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How do Religions Compare?

There are various religions in the world today.  When politicians talk about the world’s greatest religions, they will usually include Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam and Buddhism. Christianity, in the mind of the secular world, would include protestant and Roman Catholics, Jehovah Witnesses and Mormons.

True Christianity, which is Bible based and sourced in Jesus Christ, is one of the world’s greatest religions, and it is the only true religion.  When I speak of religion, I am not speaking of the ritual or the trappings that come in the practice of the faith.  I am using the old definition of religion which is a person’s relationship with God, or how a person relates to God.

When we place the various religions side by side, we can compare origins, practice, theology, teachings and anything else we want.  At their core, however all religions except Christianity are human philosophies.  When a person becomes a Christian, a change occurs.  The believer is immediately forgiven and justified.  Their sins are atoned for.  They are adopted into the family of God.  Their spirit is immediately and fully sanctified and the Holy Spirit takes up residence in them.  The entire person becomes new, except, of course, the flesh.  When a person becomes a Hindu nothing happens.  When a person becomes a Muslim, there is no change that takes place.  Nothing happens.

As such, Hinduism, for example, is very old, but still an invention of people.  People who follow the Hindu faith do so in the power of their own will and strength.  People who claim allegiance to Allah in Islam, are doing it in their own discipline and strength.  A weak Muslim gets no help from Allah, since he does not exist.

The point is this.  God actually changes people when they believe in Jesus.  People are delivered from addiction and evil lifestyles and gang affiliations.  People who give their lives over to Christ become different people.  Some change is instant, some takes time, but change does occur.  No other religion can say that because there is nothing there in the other religions.  Their gods do not exist, their holy books are not inspired, their practices change with every generations because there is no spiritual force supporting the religion (unless people count Satan as the spiritual force supporting the religion).

Therefore, when Christians interface with the world, there are only two types of people:  Those who are lost and those who are saved.  The lost go by many names today.  Some call themselves atheist, some Hindu, some buddhist, some Muslim and others some other religion.  All are just names for unbelievers.  The fight, therefore, is not between the Christian God and the Hindu gods, but between truth and unbelief.  There is no authority in Hinduism or Buddhism.  All of the authority is in the Bible, which comes from the truth and living God.  Christians speak truth, all others are just speaking human philosophy and opinion.  There is truth today and it all belongs to God and his Bible.


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