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People are Evil (that means you)

That’s right, people are evil.  Not some people, not people in government, but all people, back to the first person, are evil.  If you are reading this, you are evil.  That is the truth of the universe.  Of course people change the definition of evil all the time so that they exempt themselves from that label.  However, God, the creator of all that is, has a righteous standard and if a person violates one of those laws, that person is totally and completely evil, evil, evil, evil.

This morning, revelations about Harvey Weinstein's immoral sexual behavior of the last many decades.  His story is the Hollywood story.  Women were offered roles and positions based on who they would have sex with.  This is the open secret about Hollywood.  They joke about it on Mad Men, but people just nod and accept it.  Sexual immorality is the height of evil.  So people enjoy movies and TV shows and listen to the “wisdom” of actors who live in and support this immoral, evil, debauched, depraved and despicable system.

Everyone in Hollywood, politics, education, entertainment or any other place of public attention that spouts wise and interesting sayings need to be understood as evil people.  Evil to their core.  Life is not a contest to see if we can do more “good” things than “evil” things.  God does not have a large scale where he weighs our lives.  One lie, one thought of lust, stealing one pen from work shows the true nature of the human being, evil to the core.  Every inclination of every thought is evil today, and people bend their knee at the altar of entertainment and worship it.  People sell their souls for a career and the people who had sex with Weinstein are as evil as he is for offering it.  Evil all around.

Which is why God sent his Son, Jesus Christ.  Jesus came and for the first time in history, lived a perfect life, never sinning once.  Jesus actively obeyed every law that God the Father had given.  He then died on a cross shedding his blood for atonement for many.  If a person believes in Jesus, accepts him and makes him Lord over his life, then Christ’s obedience is imputed to them.  Even true Christian believers are nothing but oozing evil inside.  God does not fix that, causing us to be righteous, he puts a righteous covering over us until Jesus returns again and Christians are glorified.  Until that day, everyone on earth is evil, evil, evil.

In Galatians 5, Paul gives a summary list of people:  “Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy,  drunkenness, orgies, and things like these.”  Sexual immorality is at the top of the list.  Harvey Weinstein, a Jew, should know better, but so should everyone else.  Weinstein is nothing special, he just got rich and famous from his sin.  Jesus Christ is righteousness, everyone else is debauched, depraved evil.


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