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Two Questions

…that every Christian must be able to answer.  What are these two questions?  A Christian must be able to tell people how they were saved.  If someone seeking God asks a Christian how they were saved, there needs to be a truthful, sort answer for that question.  Second, a Christian must be able to tell anyone else how they may be saved.  So if someone seeking God asks a Christian how they might be saved, the Christian must have a truthful, short answer.

There is a one word description of each of these answer is known as the gospel.  Gospel literally means good news.  Evangelism means sharing or telling good news.  The one difference between telling how I was saved and telling how you may be saved is that I may include the events of my salvation, which would turn my story into a testimony.  A testimony contains the gospel and how a single individual came to accept it.  All testimonies are different, yet the gospel remains the same.

It is imperative for every Christian to know the gospel, and to be able to verbalize it in words, either orally or in an email or text.  The gospel is information and it needs to get from one person to another.

What is the gospel?  Here are the bullet points
  • God has a standard of believe and behavior (summarized in the Ten Commandments)
  • I have broken every one multiple times.  I have sinned.  I am broken, evil, desperately wicked and totally depraved.  Nothing is good in me. (The Bad News)
  • Therefore, I am under judgement of God and he will punish me for all eternity in hell.
  • However, God loves the world and sent his Son (The Good News)
  • His death on the cross paid my price and if I believe in his work on the cross and accept it and make him Lord over my life (repent of my unbelief) He will place his righteous on me
  • I will then be fully accepted by God and live in eternity with him

All of that needs to be expressed by every Christian, using whatever words are natural, when the opportunity arises.  It is generally understood that if there is a self-righteous person, they need to be lost before they can be saved, which is the point of the bad news.  If someone is aware of their sin, then they only need the good news.

A Christian must be able to tell a story of how they learned of the gospel and accepted it and the Christian must be able to lead an unbeliever through these steps of belief to become saved.  Generally people try and keep their testimony under 2 minutes.  The shorter the better.  People need to be able to tell the good news in under 30 seconds.

There is nothing, and I mean nothing more important than getting people saved.  When we are all in eternity, the only two things that will transfer from this life to the next are 1) our relationship with Jesus; and 2) people we shared the gospel with and who believed.  That is it.  So let’s fill up heaven with people by sharing the gospel.  Learn it, know it, speak it and share it.  Time is short, Jesus Christ is coming back soon and when Jesus touches down, all opportunity ceases.  So let us work while it is still day for the night is coming when no one can work.


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