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Things that go bump in the night

Halloween is now the third most profitable holiday.  Christmas wins, by far.  Valentines Day is second and Halloween is third.  More and more people are decorating their homes with the latest in lights and animatronics and the cost of a good Halloween showing is going up.

Albert Mohler stated that the themes of Halloween are getting darker and darker,  more satanic and evil focused than ever before.  He attributes this trend to the slasher movies of the 70s and 80s and the fascination with the occult that seems to be everywhere these days.  Vampires, who used to be portrayed as evil monster are now sold as teenage heartthrobs.  Zombie fantasies are all over TV and there are even people who are preparing for a imminent zombie apocalypse.

Young people may find it fun to play with the spiritual realm but people of all ages need to realize is there there really is a spiritual part of our physical world.  It is not a counterpart place, but a different dimension or something.  Spiritual beings can be walking among physical beings and the physical beings would never know.

All things and beings, and all spiritual beings are created by God.  God is eternal and God the Father and God the Holy Spirit are Spirit.  God created other spiritual beings and called them angels.  Angels come in all shapes and sizes according to various visions in the Bible.  All were created to serve God but Satan, who is a created angel, rebelled against God and took 1/3 of the angels with him.  We now call those “fallen” angels demons.  They are spiritual beings who hate God and who hate God’s creation.

Some people, like Voodoo followers, seek relationship and possession from demons.  They call the demons lords and they call the possession riding.  The Catholic Church has a department of exorcisms where they send out teams of people to get demons out of people.  Others joke about demons, write songs about demons, watch movies that have demons in them and basically make demonic activity a joke.  Supernatural is a TV show about 2 brothers who fight spiritual and demonic forces every episode.

Whatever people do today, there needs to be a realization that demons and angels and God are all real.  Humans do not interface with the spiritual realm and people cannot control angels or demons, no matter what the books or movies may say.  Angels and demons are free agents, and even though they are under God’s authority, they are not under the authority of any human.

Ultimately God will throw Satan and all his demons into the Lake of Fire.  Until then, people need to stop playing with the occult and focus on God.  Demons cannot save people but the blood of Jesus Christ can.  Giving your life to Christ is the best defense against occult forces.  Much better than praying the ancient Scottish prayer:

From ghoulies and ghosties
And long-leggedy beasties
And things that go bump in the night,
Good Lord, deliver us!


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