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Thoughts on Holiness

God is holy. Holiness literally means separate. God is separate from everything and everyone else. God is separate from his creation. Because creation is fallen and people are sinful, the idea of holiness also including righteousness has come into our language. Because we are desperately wicked, because every inclination of every thought is evil all the time, there is a vast difference between God’s righteous holiness and us.

There is no way and no possible way for people to approach God, find God or come to God because is is totally separate and different and holy. God fixed this by sending Jesus, the incarnate GodMan. Jesus /tabernacled with us. We could not come to God so God came to us. For those who truly believe in Jesus Christ, he gave the right to be called sons and daughters of God. Christ coming to be with us, coming down to our level was a one time event. For those who believe we are brought up to God.

When God adopts believers he does not take us up to his level. We never become God and we never get on the same level as God. With our glorified bodies in eternity will will be able to observe his unfiltered glory. God will still be holy, but in eternity, we will also be holy. God, however, will still be the creator, and we will also be the creation.

So how does God lift us up in this life? For those who truly believe, we receive the indwelling Holy Spirit. This does not bring God down to our level. Instead it begins the process of sanctification, which means, the Holy Spirit’s work between now and glory, is to make us holy. To being us up.

The world is full of thoughts and teachings about flawed deities and corrupt deities which are nothing more than blasphemous attempts to bring God down to our level. What we call ancient myths were the actual religions of the Greeks and Romans where God’s sinned and created Demi-gods and super human beings and the lines between human and deity got very blurred.

Others will claim that God is so transcendent that he cannot be known. Modern Islam and Sikhism believe an in transcendent God who cares little for his creation. Both have prophets that claim to tell the world about what God wants, but people who hold to a fully transcendent god cross their fingers and hope a good result in eternity but don’t really know.

The humanists of today claim that God either does not exist or he is mean or evil or judgmental God. They use phrase like “If God were loving he would not judge people,” or “I could never believe in a God that sends people to hell.” So their plan is to reinvent God to help them feel better about their sin. The true, only existing God is described in the Bible and he sent his Son, Jesus Christ to die for the sins of the world. That is the true story of the true God and everything else is fantasy.

#Thoughts on God#


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