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Thoughts on Integrity

Integrity is defined as who you are when no is watching. In other words, if I am honest in public, then I will be honest when no one is watching. Of course this is an ancient definition, because today, many are watching. I suppose you can be in a cabin with no electricity and no cell signal and you can be honest there, and no one, except God almighty, would be watching. Today, we know that the NSA, your ISP, Google, Facebook and the entire alphabet of agencies watching, but I digress.

The point of integrity is that I act the same way with all people. For me, that means that I am a disciple of Christ everywhere. I do not deny Christ with one group and glorify Christ with another group. Any when I am alone, I do things that glorify Christ.

Integrity is one of those old words that is not talked about very much any more. Especially with the politicization of everything. When the ex-head of the FBI calls the President a liar and the President calls the ex-head of the FBI a liar, where does that leave us? There is no integrity in our leaders. I firmly believe when a politician at any level makes a promise or commitment, that it is meaningless at every level. There is no integrity in our governmental leaders, there is little integrity in our religious leaders (at least the famous ones) and so where do people learn about integrity? Where do people people learn about character and the attributes of honorable people in society. Reputation is built on integrity and character, but no one thinks that has any value any more. People used to say, “my word is my bond” and they would be believed. No one says that anymore. The end always justifies the means. Get as much as you can, and above all, don’t get caught.

It would be a different world if we could count on people, if we could trust people, if people’s reputation preceded them and it was a good reputation. It would be the world of the 1880s probably, where you would die of a cold, but people were trustworthy. So there are tradeoffs. Until that day, which will probably never come, I will trust no one, keep my friends close and my enemies closer and try to stay in the teaching and things of God and not trust politics or politicians.

Finally, I just want to put a call out to all people who claim to follow Jesus, especially if you are a pastor. Work on your reputation. Strive to be thought of as a person of integrity and character. Be trustworthy and faithful. It is in these things that we can reflect Christ and in reflecting Christ we can make the world a better place. In a world where politicians, police and courts cannot be trusted, we can. Because Christ calls us to a higher standard, a standard not of this world. And people can trust us and count on us and Christ will be glorified.

#Thoughts on Integrity#


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