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Thoughts on world views (Christianity)

There are three religions who claim the title people of the book. The Jews claim the 39 books of the Old Testament as their rule of faith and practice. The Christians claim the 39 books of the Old Testament and the 27 books of the New Testament as their rule of faith and practice. Islam takes the Q’oran as their rule book.

Christians believe that in their state of sin there was nothing to do to please God. God the Father sent Jesus the Christ, God the Son to die on a cross. Those who accept this event by faith receive forgiveness for sins. Christians are saved by grace, not of works.

Once a person becomes a Christian through faith alone, their top goal is to love God and love others. They don't blow things up, and there are no points to be earned.  Christians have as their perfect example, Jesus Christ, and the New Testament is the story of Jesus’ life and then letters discussing how to apply these truths.

The Bible is the inerrant word of God and it describes how the world began what happens on earth now and how the world will end. The Bible tells the story of God creating everything in 6 days. It tells the story of the first people: Adam and Eve and how they disobeyed God. It tells the story of God flooding the entire earth, saving only Noah, his family and all the animals (except the unicorns, just kidding). These stories are true and believed by faith. When the Jews get out of Egypt and beyond is supported by archeological evidence, although there is still discussion on times and epochs of these stories.

God began his story with the Jewish people who were commanded to sacrifice animals for the forgiveness of sins. In God’s system there can only be forgiveness of sins through the shedding of blood. Through the Jews, God brought Jesus Christ who shed his blood so forgiveness is now offered to anyone and everyone and those who believe gain eternal life in heaven.

Christianity is at the core source of every person’s belief in heaven and hell. At the end of time Christians believe that people go to either heaven or hell depending on their belief, not works. Both end points are eternal with no second chances. Many people have taken the idea of heaven and hell and written fantasy books about these places, they have been turned into exclamations like “my heavens” and “go to hell.” So the language of Christianity has been accepted into every language on earth even though few truly believe.

There are more practitioners of the Christian faith than any other religion. Islam is second. There are more Bibles printed than all the other books combined. The Bible is in more languages than any other book. There are Christians and churches (some are underground churches) in every country and in every language group. There are more buildings, art and books related to Christianity and Christian activities than any other subject.

I am a true believer in Christianity and Jesus Christ. I believe the Bible to be absolutely true and inerrant and I laugh at evolutionists who say the Bible is false. Climate change, gay marriage, transgender bathrooms and more are just people’s way of fighting God. It won’t work.


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