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Thoughts on World Views (Islam)

Islam teaches that they are the third and final revelation from Allah, a fully transcendent, omnipotent and omniscient god. The first revelation came to Moses and the Jews were Allah’s chosen people. They failed to obey. The second revelation came to Jesus and the Christians were to be Allah’s chosen people and they failed to obey. The third revelation came to Muhammad, and the Arabs were to be Allah’s chosen people and they got it right.

In Islam, the creator god, Allah really does not like people. His dislike for people is shown in the fact that grace and love are words that are never attributed to Allah. Islam is a system where believers spend their whole life trying too prove their love for Allah, so that he will notice them and love them back. Therefore the final judgement where each person stands before Allah, consists of a set of scales. If the good things a person does out weight the bad things, then they get to go to heaven. Pretty simple. However, the things that people can earn points for includes killing Jews and Christians. Blowing up people or running planes into buildings earns a massive amount of points. This is why the Muslims on the September 11th flights spent the nights before the flights at strip clubs, with prostitutes and getting drunk. These sins would be outweighed by the great good of killing people.

There are five pillars of Islam, that every Muslim must keep to get into the game. Doing these things start the scoring at zero.

  1. Give alms to the poor
  2. Pray five times a day
  3. Fast (usually during ramadan)
  4. Travel to Mecca at least once during your life (hajj)
  5. Believe the Q’uran
The Muslim holy day is Friday. It is taught that if a Muslim attends Mosque on Friday that all sins are forgiven and people start at zero gain, gaining or losing points. This is why Thursday night is the most vile and violent day of the week in Islam neighborhoods. If they can only make it to Mosque on Friday, all the Thursday sins are forgiven.

Lastly, there is a teaching in Islam that if a Islam government is setup on earth (a caliphate), that the end of the world will come. The Ottoman Empire and more recently ISIS are trying to instill Q’oran and Wahhabi laws through government enforcement. When Islam become mandatory, the world will end and those running the Islam government will get the highest reward.

Muslims in Europe walk around with the authority of god, beating people up, blowing things up, killing people, all trying to earn points. If they make a mistake, everything is reset every Friday. Islam promotes a world view of fascist dominance where thugs have an opportunity to wreak terror and still earn points for their god. Their world view is that they are right, and therefore can do anything, and non-muslims are wrong and therefore are infidels and have no value.

#Thoughts on World Views#


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